If this updates, then Kyle has solved a strange riddle. The actual name of the gadget when you go to add it, however, is "Subscription Links". Good Job Kyle.
20 Inspirador Joyeria Para Anillos De Compromiso
[image: 0 50 caraat diamanten solitaire verlovingsring in geel goud]
*Joyeria Para Anillos De Compromiso* el regalo perfecto para mam en su d a
Joyer a Mur...
Obat Perangsang
Obat Penambah gairah Sex Atau Yang Di sebut Juga Obat Perangsang Wanita,Dalam
Meningkatkan Gairah Sex,Menambah Libido Sex Secara Alamiah.
Menggunakan Oba...
Heiwa ni suru! "Go in peace yall"
Yataa! Watashitachi wa owarimasu! We are just about done. Everyone still
has one more trial left for this class, but it's in the bag. I feel like
maybe I d...
"Last Post"
This might not actually be my last post.
I hope to read more Nabokov over the holidays, and though fewer people may
read my posts, I may still continue to b...
Paper, Little overdue
“Easy, you know, does it, son.”
“But the future has no such reality (as the pictured past and the perceived
present possess); the future is but a figure ...
Jonathan Orsi
English 431
Master of Puppets
“Ye airs and winds, ye elves of hills, of brooks of woods alone, of
standing lake, and of the n...
The Electric Spark
The Electric Spark
In the first sentence of his biography Speak Memory, Vladimir Nabokov gives
his readers perhaps the greatest insight into the author’s mo...
Final Thoughts
This will be my last posting to this blog. I know that this last entry has
fallen behind the deadline, but as this is simply a parting farewell to
this cla...
Finally I'm going to be honest
This class was the only class that I wanted to drowned in, but because this
was my extra curricular "fun class" I couldn't give it the time I wanted to
How does one finish this class in a blog? This was certainly a course
unlike any other i have ever taken and will probably ever take again. When
i first le...
And in Conclusion...
I suppose this is the last thing before I begin again ... riverrun (does it
son, you know).
I would like to, once more, bring up the quote from Speak, Memo...
In Rapture
Now, we're supposed to make some sort of final post, yet I'm not quite sure
what to post. Nothing seems final. We've really only finished the semester,
final thoughts...
This class has ruined me. It has ruined me and all of the novels I liked to
read before it. I have been waiting, very impatiently I might add, to read
the ...
Closing Words
As always, I really enoyed Dr. Sexons class this semester. One can always
count on his class to be entertaining as well as informative. It is for
Final Thoughts and Thanks
This class has been one of the most mentally challenging classes since I
made the mistake of trying to be an electrical engineer. What makes this
class ama...
As I was going though *Speak, Memory* when writing my final paper, I came
across an interesting quote, something that I had missed before. "To fix
Final Pondering
Shaman Sexson asked for something a little mad, a little brilliant. mad
brilliance, brilliant madness.
here we are, mere mortals surrounded by the divine....
Thanks for the ride Vlad. The journey has just begun and I look forward to
the trip. Someday, I will reread Lolita. Maybe then I will be able to
Last Thoughts
Dr. Sexson wrapped up the class so eloquently today that I don't think
anything I say can really do it justice. I already kind of blogged a little
"last th...
The Last Blog
Wow.... i cant believe that today is that last day that our class will be
meeting. like i had said last time, i cant think that we have done all the
Final Thoughts
"I think it is all a matter of love: the more you love a memory, the
stronger and stranger it is." -N.
Lolita is about it, this class was about it, and I'l...
The Last Word
I am pretty sure it is quite impossible to conjure up a last word or words
about this semester’s Nabokov exploration. I, as I’m sure all of you, have
an in...
Final Thoughts
First ~ I have more ideas for my paper...the paper that never
ended...usually once I turn them in, I let it go, but this one just won't
do that...must be b...
Ghosts of Thought
I sat at my desk and thought about the future and the past in spectral
shadow. A group of crows clustered together in a naked tree to share their
warmth. E...
Last day of presentations, including mine own. Gotta say I've been
wonderfully impressed with everybody's presentations(the poem was
astonishing, making me...
A Summation of Class
Since the semester is near its end I feel as if the only thing to do is
wrap things up. As usual I am amazed at how much I get from Dr. Sexson’s
classes. L...
On Vladimir Nabokov
by A. Abate
“The good, the admirable reader identifies himself not with the boy or the
girl in the book, but with the mind that co...
finally: transparency
"Transparent" is a perfect word for Nabokov.
Google images brings up a whole host of their versions of "transparency".
This one was by far the most stagger...
Final Blog Post (Beside posting paper)
This is my final blog post. Wow! What a class this has been! I can remember
signing up for this class thinking "who is this Vlad-a-mere Na-bow-cough
accident;y hit publish befofre putting this word on
8. Katydid- Any of several large, usuaally green, American long-horned
greasshopper, the males of which produce a characteristic song.
I got the swine flu ...
My First Memory
This is my first post for the class Studies in a Major Author: Vladimir
My first conscious memory that I have been able to hold onto throughout my...
Nope, didn't work. :( Although, my blog just updated. Go figure...
ReplyDeleteYeah it didn't work for me either. I have updated several times and haven't seen it show up on anybody's thingamajiger.
ReplyDeleteI know.... to bad.